World Peace!


Mar 25, 2016
This little bird is asking us for World Peace!
No More Wars!

Bernie Sanders took a moment to comment on the symbolism of the bird that interrupted his rally in Portland, Oregon.

@BernieSanders beats Trump in every poll by 2X what @HillaryClinton does. #PoliticalRevolution

Yesterday was a good day for Putin and the oligarchs in Russia. But it was a bad day for people in the United States and all over the world who believe in democracy and who are trying to understand what world our idiot president lives in.

John McCain: Trump abased himself before a tyrant
In a statement following the Helsinki summit, Republican Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) called President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s news conference “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”

The Promise of the Internet Fulfilled: The most Transparent Election in the History of the US

Reading WikiLeaks We Learn all about the American Politics

The Promise of the Internet Fulfilled: The most Transparent Election in the History of the US

Donna Brazile, now the current DNC chairwoman & replacement for Debbie Wasserman Shultz (who was forced to resign because of being anti-Bernie/Pro-Clinton), leaked insider Bernie Sander’s campaign information to Hillary’s staff at least in two separate occasions:

7 months before Hillary earns nomination over Bernie Sanders, Donna Brazile pledges to John Podesta that “as soon as (Hillary’s) nomination is wrapped up. I will be your biggest surrogate” “Look forward to working with you to elect the first woman President of the United States” says Podesta:

Concessions given to Bernie Sanders & his supporters were a false illusion of a victory for Bernie’s “self righteous ideologies”. Clinton Advisor: “Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates” “Throw Bernie a bone…[…]….his people will think they’ve “won” something from the Party Establishment. It doesn’t make a difference. We don’t lose”:

Clinton’s campaign tells the DNC to hold sham meetings with other candidates, make primary look less rigged:

“Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp. Crush him as hard as you can”. Podesta replies: “I agree.. Where would you stick the knife in?”

Clinton campaign manager: “Had a great meeting with Berman today. We agreed that if she (Hillary) gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins.”

Judd Legum, founder and editor of Thinkprogress, sending suggestions to the Clinton campaign on how to own Sanders:

Hillary Clinton’s most trusted aid, Huma Abedin, writes to Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta and her campaign manager Robby Mook about receiving insider information about the DNC convention and organizing a private call with Debbie Wasserman Shultz:

Clinton staff discusses Hillary only supporting a carbon tax to knock Bernie Sanders out of the primaries: “To be clear: it’s lethal in the general, so I don’t want to support one. But don’t want to give bernie contrast right now.”:

Hillary’s campaign manager Robby Mook, in an email to other staff, calls New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio a “terrorist” after Bill de Blasio speaks kindly of Bernie Sanders and stalls on his endorsement for Hillary Clinton during an interview:

Former Clinton Foundation official reprimands Super Delegate Tulsi Gabbard for endorsing Bernie Sanders and being “disrespectful” to Hillary Clinton:

Clinton staff: Hillary is convinced Bernie Sanders’ plan is “naive and unworkable”:

John Podesta calls Bernie Sanders a “doofus”:

Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, sends a creepshot of Bernie Sanders in his swimming suit to the Clinton campaign and leaks it to tabloids:

Hillary’s huge debate prep book against Bernie Sanders (Prepared answers to anticipated debate questions): (See attachment)

Mercenaries avoid the need for an unpopular draft like the one during the Vietnam War that incited the antiwar movement.

War, after all, represents a monumental failure of national leaders to serve the rightful national objectives of a citizenry – peace and prosperity. When an empire is nearing the end of its period of domination, war is almost always used by leaders as a last-ditch attempt to maintain order. (During wartime, a populace tends to focus more on the war than the failure of its leaders. In addition, they’re likely to tolerate the removal of freedoms by their leaders to be “patriotic”.)

The Medium is the Message.

In the social media era the campaign is the medium.

Trump’s media coverage never faded. The media was the fuel of his rise from the start. The right wing owned talk radio and the left wing owned the internet. But now Trump has leapfrogged the left to own social media. The days of blogs are through, now it’s all about Twitter and Facebook and Snapchat.


And in the fifth century B.C., Greek dramatist Aeschylus said,

“In war, truth is the first casualty.”

Traditionally journalists would be hired by anyone wanting copy – hence “hacks”, after Hackney carriages. Nothing has changed. Tradesmen . . .

The Hackney Carriage trade

Trade and craft associations have been established all over Europe for many centuries. In the City of London these companies are known as the Livery and all are unique in their survival, number and diversity. ‘Guild’ derives from the Saxon word for payment, since membership of these fraternities was, and still is, paid for.

Jon Stewart bashes ‘corrupt, blinded’ media and TV execs opting for conflict over clarity

TV news is corrupt and incentivized to accentuate conflict over clarity, with Washington’s media and politicians constituting “an incredibly corrupt and blinded, symbiotic terrarium,” according to Jon Stewart.

“The media is as usual focused on the wrong things and abdicating responsibility for the general filtration of toxicity.”

“When you have the presidents of networks saying Trump is good for business…When you have the lead anchor of Fox News having to go to Trump’s hotel to make him stop being mean to her,” referring to Megyn Kelly, “and now he says she’s terrific, because they’ve had a détente, that’s fucked.”  “There are heads of networks who have said he’s great for business. Why would you kill the thing that’s great for business?  The press, he believes, is no longer part of a “predator and prey” relationship, “which I think should be the relationship.” Instead, it’s “a remora (small fish that attaches itself to a larger one) that’s just attached underneath, hoping for crumbs that fall off the shark.”

Republicans AND Democrats
gave us The Big Short